Reintroducing a new season of Everything From A to Z, 2024. Excited to be sharing again with all of you. Let me know if there is something new you would like me to talk about this season. This season is about sharing what people have asked me most recently. Send your questions to!
Hang out with us in Lake Tahoe!
Click the link for more all the details.
Catch my interview with Executive Director, Suzanne Roy of American Wild Horse Conservation at The Fish Springs Wild Horse Reserve. We talk about the land these horses are on, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Federal Gov and what you can do to help make a change. By the way, your hard earned tax dollars are being wasted on rounding up wild horses while the cattle ranchers and BML rake in cash on your dollar.
Setting yourself up for success and knowing who you are and what you are good at can help you achieve your goals. We live in a day and age when people expect things to happen with a snap of a finger. Well, your life is not like an Amazon purchase. It won't happen at just a click of a button.
Today I am really proud to be speaking with Amelia Perrin, who is the Investigations Program Manager for the American Wild Horse Conservation. An organization that I personally have been posting a lot about lately. Interestingly, Amelia suffers from Post concussion syndrome. She had a traumatic accident that left her with a horrible brain injury that sent her from Doctor to doctor to doctor. Some of which did not believe her that she was suffering. Labeling her with different diagnosis and never really getting to the problem. However, this has not stopped her from the incredible work that she continues to do with AWHC and her dreams of studying journalism.
After my interview with Amelia Perrin at American Wild Horse Conservation, I wanted to share how to get outside yourself after trauma and advocate for something close to your heart. The photos in this video are from Fort Worth, Reality Check with Stacilee, Wild Horse Education, AWHC. Here are two websites you can visit to donate or volunteer.
My goal today is to show you that a grassroots way of living really needs to come back. Creating incredible relationships in your town I know is difficult. I will tell you though, it's a motivator. I know it's easy to sit on our phones and donate or say how much we hate what is going on in the world and then ultimately complain about our own life. Is there a lot going on in the world right now? Yes, but what are you doing for yourself to remain positive in your day to day life. Your energy is a ripple effect. Don’t forget.
Try this to change your habits. What are three things you can do for yourself everyday to create light in your life?
Healing can be a wonderful process if you allow yourself to step outside your circle of fear and take an adventure that lets you actually see the possibilities. I chose to see the wild horses that I have consistently advocate for and the holding facilities they are forced in. For me, it gave me perspective on my own life? How can you gain perspective on yours?
Questions to ask yourself. Do you have a fear of success? The unknown is scary. Get out of your head! In order to get there, you need to know who your are.